As teased in episode 43 yesterday here is the special tribute to my mom that Dom and I recorded. I hope you all enjoy and please keep her in your thoughts moving into the surgery and beyond. For those that don't know my mom Stacie whom you are familiar with from episode 11 (go back and listen to it to hear how awesome he is) is undergoing major surgery to remove all lymph nodes from her neck that have contracted Thyroid cancer we initially thought were taken care of. She is the glue that holds the family together and though we drive her crazy half the time she still tells us regularly that watching us achieve dreams and accomplish goals we set brings her the most pride.
Dom and I decided to dedicate this cover to her because its a song that is powerful and speaks to the connection a child shares with their mom and how important a role she plays in the life of her children. Like I said please keep her in your thoughts and send lots of love and positive vibes so she can recover from her operation on Monday.
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